"Historic costume for the Stage" by Lucy Barton, is a great place to start.

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Nicole Kipar
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 2:05 PM
Subject: [h-cost] Tudor costumes for "dummies"? Help for a theatrical group

Right, my question/dilemma is this:

There is a very nice theatrical "amateur dramatics" group in my new Scottish

hometown near Edinburgh, called the Linithgow Players. In the summer months 
they do plays dressed in Tudor costume at Linlithgow Palace,  the birthplace

of Mary, Queen of Scots. They set place at the Court of James V and act out 
scenes with Mary, all for Historic Scotland (very similar to the National 
Trust or English Heritage). Anywya, that said, the costumes are.. ermm... 
uhm... not so very good, to be kind.

I offered, because I just moved here on my own three weeks ago (my partner's

still serving and staioned 500 miles away *sniff*) and would like to get 
stuck in with costumes and people and to have something nice to do, to help 
with their costumes. That's all very well, but, while I know a hellofa lot 
about clothing 1660 - 1715 I know next to nothing about Tudor costumes. 
HELP! I am ordering Ninya's book, but as Teddy said rightly, this is a 
theatrical group, we don't need to nor want to make it authentic (they 
wouldn't even have the budget for that) but to make it look GOOD and make it

look better than it is now. Bless them, some costumes are quite nice, but 
others, I think, we could definitely do something about that and I would 
love to help and get the needle going (and spend some time in the pub with 
company ;-) This is their photo page:


Don't let yourself be fooled by the "reenactment" bit, I don't think they 
got the terminology quite right. It's definitely acting, not re-enacting and

we would see it. :-)

Anyway, I don't know where to start, I feel lost in a jungle of Too Much 
Information. Can anyone, please pleae please point me into the right 
direction of where to start getting a really good feel for Tudor period 
costumes and, most importantly, which patterns could be adapted (I have 
Margo Anderson's Lady's wardrobe and Man's wardrobe) and if I can even use 
some commercial big companies patterns, because those are usually quite 
easy. Any and all help appreciated, I'd love it if I could help them get the

look a bit more right and at the same time do it on a tiny (!!!) budget and 
a shoestring with only four hands to help (another lady's and mine - and I'm

actually overworked at my new work anyway thus haven't got 'that' much 

Thanks ever so much in advance, I really am drowning in websites, books, 
info, and just don't know where to start and where to go to for a theatrical

good looking budget version (it has to be court costume) of Tudor costume.


"If you think education is expensive, try ignorance."

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