I'd stay away from anything modern for any period corset. You just won't get the shape you want. As a starting place, look at Drea's well used corset generator.

If you are new to this style, look carefully at the shapes in paintings for comparisons to later styles. Think "inverted cone." Flat front, not a curve in sight! Compare this to (some of) the more rounded front of the German silhouette at the same time. If you have Patterns Of Fashion, look at the Pfalzgrafin corset for comparison. Her corset was not boned across the breasts.
Makes a huge difference!

In the end a "sloper" also called a toile is exactly what you need, just a different starting point! In the case of a corset toile, you need something a little heavier than calico/muslin to work with.


rwfranz wrote:

A sloper is the basic pattern from which other patterns are designed. (http://www.sew-whats-new.com/sewinglessons/sloper.shtml) It's also sometimes called the basic body block.

I must say I tried Drea's corset generator on myself, being an English 24, American 26, and I could not get it to look anything like a corset. And I make corsets for my living! Perhaps you will have more luck - I hope so.


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