On Tue, 18 Apr 2006, Marie Stewart wrote:

> I agree with you about the "gold lace" probably being a misapplication
> or a misinterpretation of the term.  As far as is known lace evolved
> in the realm of linen fibers, not in the metalics.  Bone lace, or
> bobbin lace, didn't show up until mid or near the end of the 16th
> century.  And that was the breakthrough that led to metalic threads
> first being formed into patterns of lace and applied to clothing.  
> The first records of the bone laces all seem to refer to linen fibers,
> but are soon filled out with laces in gold, silver and copper.

And we have a winner! 

I don't need to precisely identify the specific thing she's looking at --
she's talking about a category of paintings, not a certain one. I just
needed to be able to say why I know for sure it is not "lace." And that is
because lace (as she would understand it) wasn't made till the mid-to-late
16th c.

Now I can figure out, with her, whether she means "embroidery" or
"borders" or "goldwork" or some other general category.

Thanks for the verification, and thanks to Bjarne, too, who was the first
one to step up with an answer.

> BTW... an aside and a small rant... If this author is talking about or
> referring to the Prague exhibit in any way... they might be falling
> vicitim to some errors I saw in the exhibit information.  There was
> one chausible, lovely thing, all 14th century embroidery, but the card
> next to it failed to mention that the orphrey (?) had been remounted
> sometime in the 16th or 17th century.  Because there on the chausible
> all about the edge was a bobbin lace border of gold and silver
> thread....  <gah!> so, just FYI.

Nope. Not artifacts at all in this case. European paintings. But yeah ...
about the museum card, gah. Too often the people who write those generally
are not the specialists who can tell you the details.

So, I hope this served as the entertainment for the day...


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