At 03:45 PM 4/25/2006, you wrote:

There are a number of reasons for Magdalen's supposed link to prostitution
(which, interestingly, does not exist in the Eastern Orthodox Christian
church's view of Magdalen, who is highly revered).  But yes, there are
similarities in the stories, and apparently some cross-fertilization,
which becomes evident in the art as well, when you look at paintings of
Magdalen in her wilderness-hermit phase.


Just to make things clear, Mary Magdalene is equally revered in the West. She is considered one of the greatest of the saints. While there is debate whether she was the prostitute/adulteress who was saved from stoning by Jesus (and most theologians and historians believe she was not) such an identification doesn't imply that she is tainted somehow. It would simply point out the magnitude of her conversion and salvation.


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