While looking for information on "overdying" wool fabric, I found allot of information about acid dyes and that they are the best with protein fibers like wool & silk. I've read about traditional Indigo dye, but how does that do with wool? I have 6 yards of dark blue "tropical weight" wool that I would like to overdye to gain a richer blue. Currently, it is not quite navy with a slightly lighter variegated thread. Its rather dull as it is. I know that it will not get lighter with overdying, I just want a richer blue tone than it has now. If indigo does well with wool, does anyone in the Portland-metro area have a working vat that I might use? I understand that an indigo vat can be used from generation to generation and its not something that I'm ready to commit to. I had a hard enough time keeping my "herman" alive in the refrigerator. :-) (a herman is a sour-dough starter.) Thanks in advance

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