Sylvia Rognstad wrote:
  >                                        All I know so far is that the
  > owner wants 30 grand for 2000 costumes and equipment, I assume.
Make sure of these things!  Will you get the rights to the company name?  Can 
you take over her lease/take over her space/store front?  Can you get her 
customer list?  Will you be able to take over any of her current contracts 
(building lease/future contracts - weddings, etc.)?  Will she tell you about 
any competition that she has (the costume rental place in the next town/the 
tuxedo rental place two streets over/the woman in town who makes all of the 
costumes for the school plays/...)?  Would she introduce you to her customers 
(so that they think kindly of you)?  Also what kind of hours does she put in?  
Can you put in those same hours (or maybe more while you are starting out!)?

You would want a copy of her budget (list of expenses/income).  How much are 
her expenses?  You have to be able to make more than that to make a go of it.

  > Thanks for the info. I really need to know how this woman's business
  > works and aside from just discussing it with her, don't know where else
  > to go.
If you want information about the costume rental business (generally, as 
opposed to this woman's business that you wish to purchase), ask business 
owners in this category (costume rentals) that are not in her area 
(competition!).  Tuxedo rental stores (and bridal shops?) may partially fit 
this bill.

  > <snip>
  >                           Apparently she has done very well in the
  > business over the years. Is there any way to find out what her profits
  > have been? Can I see her tax records?
Yes, this is the first thing that I would suggest.

For ideas on what you should look for (from the business point of view), I'd 
look at some internet sites:
Select <Business & Human Resources>
Then select <Buying or Selling a Business> from the "Main Topics"
There are several articles that seem to give useful information.

Also, what about asking her for "referrals" - business/customers that she deals 
with.  Does she pay her rent on time (implies that her business is doing well)? 
 Were you (a customer) satisfied with your rental?  Were your problem(s) with 
the business/business woman solved?

Of course, the official answer is always, "Have your lawyer and accountant take 
a look at whatever you are going to do."  ;-)

a new-to-the-list lurker and a VERY small business (computer-consultant) owner
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