Hi, Bjarne,
For a costumer as enthusiastic as you have been, these sound like scary questions. I hope you are okay. What I've found is that friends and enthusiasms are cyclic -- actually I've found even depression is cyclic -- and that everything, including relationships and my mood, waxes and wanes. So I try, now in my middle age, not to make too much of the waning periods, not to do anything too extreme (like throwing out all my costumes or declaring a friendship truly over) on the basis of a low time. If I'm really bored with something, I put it away and mark in my notebook the date. If in a year I am still bored with it, I think about where it might be donated or given away so it could benefit somebody else. If I find myself thinking of a friend I haven't heard from in a long time, sometimes I drop them a note -- often, despite my previous bad behavior, they are surprisingly happy to hear from me!

My family is too big a problem to get into on a public list, but let's just say I've put them away for a year or two at a time, too, and they were still there -- and just as big a problem -- when I got back to them. ;-)

Do take care.

On Jul 5, 2006, at 3:21 PM, Bjarne og Leif Drews wrote:

What do you do when you finally realise you dont want to reenact anymore, and when your costumes gets bored to look at?
When alll your reenactment friends leaves you, and your family two?
What is left then?


Leif og Bjarne Drews


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