On Wed, 16 Aug 2006, Ailith Mackintosh wrote:

> "It seems that in a lot of extant garments, the protein fibers (wool
> and silk) have survived, while the plant fibers have not.  We can only
> speculate that linen thread was used because there are stitching holes
> and no thread (and it seems unlikely that they would have pulled the
> silk or wool sewing thread out before tossing the rest in the trash).  
> I was hoping you might be able to help me find some sort of
> documentation that I can use as a reference that explains how this
> works?  It doesn't have to be overly technical."

I've seen this mentioned in a number of places but don't have a cite
offhand. If I were to look for one, it would be in the Museum of London's
"Textiles and Dress" book. Another possibility is Else Ostergard's "Woven
Into the Earth," which mentions the paucity of linen survivals in
Greenland; whether it discusses thread, I'm not sure.


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