Every so often the conversation comes around to a point where I feel like mentioning again Drea Leed's hilarious little essay on 21st-century "superwide" jeans -- a paper (to be) given at the CXII Interplanetary Costume Collegium, 2543 A.D.

Her excellent Elizabethan Costuming site has moved since the last time I tried to access this article, and it isn't mentioned anywhere on her index page. But -- acting on a hunch of what its address might be -- I was delighted to find that presto! It's still there, right along with the rest of the site.

It can now be found at:

Enjoy. <evil grin>

O    Chris Laning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Davis, California
+     http://paternoster-row.org - http://paternosters.blogspot.com
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