cahuff wrote:
What do y'all use (besides the tattered paper list method) to keep track of your patterns?

I don't have them cataloged; they are sorted into banker's boxes under my own system. Historical patterns have their own box - both patterns I've drafted and ones I've bought. Folkwear has two boxes, one for patterns that fit me and one for patterns that have yet to be reissued in my size or that I have not yet altered to fit. Vintage patterns (20th century before 1980) reprints or originals have a box. I think hat patterns are in there also. And I have one box of modern commercial sewing patterns that I can use with little alteration.

I used to have a box or two of patterns that did not fit me anymore. I got ruthless last year and went through them, tossing the hopelessly outdated, incomplete, unusable, and finding homes for the intact ones.
Felt good.

liz young

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