One thing to keep in mind when comparing tiny waist measurements to young girls is the effects of puberty on baby fat. The waist is relatively much larger in younger girls, and this sometimes translates into larger actual waist measurements before puberty; a 4'11" 10 year old will have dramatically different proportions from a 4'11" 20 year old. Fat distribution changes with changes in hormones, on both sides--most post-menopausal women tend to be relatively thicker around the waist, not becuase of diet or lack of exercise, but simply because of how their bodies choose to distribute fat.

One of my younger clients, who was 12 last I measured her, was tall and skinny (~100 lbs, and already worried about dieting, poor thing) but had a relatively large 26" waist, with a bust around 31". I saw her recently at about 14, after her visit from the puberty fairy but before any noticeable increase in height/weight, and though I didn't measure her, I could see that her waist was smaller. The same thing happened to me; my weight and height (I got tall young) changed very little, but my waist got smaller when my bust and hips got bigger. I'm not saying that's universal or anything, but the general principle generally holds.

-E House
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