Posting any question will lead to various replies. No one doubts the woman's
work. What has been happening is a critiquing of the style of the garment. I
believe what is pushing a few buttons are that this garment is being
presented or implied as a gown that would have been worn during the Middle
Ages and this kind o' rankles a few who are seriously into authentic. Plus
the thought of "possible" misinformation being passed on to people can make
one annoyed.
I have emailed to see if she has docs. as her Burgundian rendition and
French gown seems to have some research behind it so perhaps she has found a
Personally, I like the dress though I would change a few things like the
white trim and remove the modern princess seams but the colour is a fine
combination. If I had the figure to wear this, I probably wouldn't wear it
to an Medieval SCA event as I like to shoot little higher on the
"authenticity" meter but I would wear it to a RenFaire, Costume Convention
or a SCI-FI convention.
I do not believe that anyone on this list has been ripping the woman to
shreds but I believe that her gown has been harshly critiqued by a few.
I am glad that you brought up the gore question because there is always the
possibility that someone has found hard proof of it and I have never seen
this company before and probably would not have if you had not asked the
question. And though I probably will not order from them (as I am in the US
and can't afford them) I like to see people's rendition of garments as much
as looking at extent garments. :)


-----Original Message-----
Now I feel really bad about posting this "gores question". The picture just
kind of caught my eye, as I'd heard some people telling me that contrasting
gores were accurate in the middle ages - a fact that I wasn't very sure of.
So I just wanted to ask. It wasn't meant to doubt the lady's work at all.

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