> > (my latest costume, Catwoman from Batman Returns only took a couple of
> > weeks from buying material to final sewing. but again if I was
> > healthier would have taken much less time.)
> Of course, if you believe the movie, Michelle Pfeiffer did it all in an
> evening ;-)

I incorporated this into my skit/Q&A in character in the competition;)
"Don't believe the hype" type of thing;) People were most amused. I also
explained you cannot getinto a catsuit that zips up the back a corset that
laces up the back and knee high boots that are so closely laced while
driving a small car. Certainly not while applying heavy make up and hiding
all your hair under the cowl!


More good photos here under "Armageddon Expo and then "cosplay." It's a
flash photo gallery.

Michaela de Bruce

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