Dear h-costumers,
As I went about my Christmas shopping with my lists from my college age  
children who all want cds and dvds for gifts now, I was at Borders Bookstore 
(having printed a few cupons from the internet from their site) I was ablel to 
 get 25% savings on a book and a cd. Browsing about the boxed dvd sets my 
eyes  happend upon "Elizabeth R" with Glenda Jackson -- the very one I have 
longing for for ages!!  I saw it years ago when it first came out, but with  
the price of either vhs or dvd, I couldn't afford my dream.I have been  doing 
Reniassance faires for 15 years now and this was the gold standard for  
costuming.  I especially liked the headgear.  However, , this time I had a 
cupon for 
 40% off a boxed dvd set @ $70.00!!   Yes, indeed, I bought it and  told my 
husband "Thank you for my Christmas present!"   
I just had to spill it to folks I know would understand.  
Donna Scarfe
Fyne Hats By Felicity
Period Hats for Past Ages
h-costume mailing list

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