Ruth Anne Baumgartner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Looks really interesting, but that "automatic translation" from French into 
English is utterly hilarious. LITERAL as can be. -- Reassuring evidence that 
computers will NOT replace humans in this area any time soon.... (Reminds me of 
that story that was going around back in the 'sixties? 'seventies? about a 
translating machine that had been built to translate English into Russian. 
Someone fed in "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak" and got back the 
Russian equivalent of "The wine is pleasant but the meat is spoiled.")

  I agree with that posting,  Except for Hex, Dahak, and the First Syrian Bank, 
computers are not intelligent - they only think they are! 
  I recently did an online search for the full Lyrics of "Plaisir d'Amour" to 
add to my repertoire for possible use as a "fill-in" piece at future Bardic 
Circles. One of the versions I found online included a "translation" into 
English, quite obviously achieved with a computer programme. I speak good 
French [for an Englishman - or so my French friends tell me] - and the 
"translation" was risibly incomprehensible!.
  in "old" Jersey

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