Fran wrote:
>Does anyone on h-costume subscribe to this magazine?

I don't subscribe, but I pick it up occasionally as "eye candy" when I'm in the 
right mood.

>I am somewhat interested but divided. I'd be interested if they were 
>showing sort of vintage looks, the kind of thing people put together out 
>of the good parts of several pieces of damaged vintage clothing and 
>trims. Is that what this magazine is mostly about, or not?


Or not exactly.

It's about various sorts of "creative" things one can do with clothing, but 
original vintage clothing rarely enters into the process. You _might_ find some 
of what you're looking for in it -- it's not my area of interest, so I may miss 
things that would interest you. But on the whole, "creative" tends to win out 
over "nostalgic" in the project department. Sometimes projects are deliberately 
"aged" to look old -- but history has little to do with the process, other than 
as inspiration. 

The issue currently in my bathroom has articles on poly-clay jewelry, covered 
matchbox "purses" that look vaguely Japanese, crocheted hats embellished with 
all sorts of sparkly stuff, and I forget what else. Other issues have had 
articles on painting T-shirts, a covered-shoe challenge (not necessarily 
practical but more along the "embellish creatively" line), and various dyed, 
painted, pieced, pleated and otherwise embellished garments. 

>Also, how much do the projects depend on the use of rubber stamps, as 
>the publisher seems to focus a lot on those in their other magazines?

They show up in maybe one project per issue, and not always that. Dyes, paints 
and poly clay are always big, though.

0  Chris Laning
+  Davis, California  -
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