I assume you asked  someone at Joanns if they could locate it?


On Feb 28, 2007, at 10:38 AM, Kahlara wrote:

I'm trying to find some decorator fabric that was part of Joann's 2005/06 collection (pre-Christopher Lowell).

Last year I bought just enough of this fabric for my wedding dress/sideless surcotte from Joann's decorator fabric department. I would love to find more, however that must have been a very popular color as I can find the fabric at Joann's, but none left in the right color. I've googled every way I can think of, and come up with similar things, but without a swatch I don't want to buy.

I don't want to cut up my wedding dress, but have discovered that we chose virtually the same color in paint for our living/dining room trim and I would love to make some throw pillows and accessories from the same stuff.

I thought I wrote it down correctly in my notes - but am not sure. It is a cotton, jacquard/brocade 54" fabric called either Zemadia or Zemaida - but could be with an 'N' - Zenadia and the color is blueberry. It does not look like what I would consider "blueberry" color, it is definitely blue, but not a purplish-blue.

  Does anyone have any ideas/resources/suggestions?


  Annette T

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