On Tuesday 13 March 2007 12:45 pm, Zuzana Kraemerova wrote:
> Hi,
>   does someone know how the tippets used to be attached to the dress? By
> pins? Or were they sewn-on?
> http://vieuxchamps.com/persona/enlarged/wg/wpic7.php

Your question assumes that tippets were a separate part of the dress.  That's 
not a foregone conclusion.  Robin Netherton did some research on this that 
tends to show that they were really a kind of hanging sleeve.  Her article on 
the subject, "The Tippet:  Accessory After the Fact?"  appears in the first 
volume of Medieval Clothing and Textiles.

Cathy Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit
in my name at a Swiss Bank." -- Woody Allen

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