BB worked on others in the Gold diggers" series

liz young

Penny Ladnier wrote:
Last week during my class I showed a clip of the film "Gold Diggers of 1933" during my 1930s session. The last song in the film shows the fashions and mentality of the Great Depression wonderfully! My student that majors in dance and choreographer, fell in love with Busby Berkeley's choreography. I loaned her my Busby Berkley biography book. Just so happens, the book has a double-spread photo of the last scene in the film. She went to her D&C professor and obtained permission to do her senior thesis about Busby Berkeley. I have loaned her my Gold Diggers video. But she wants to know if there is a place on the web that she can purchase more of his films. Does anyone know of a website that sells BB films on video or DVD?
LOL!  This student had not seen BB's work before my 1930s session.  When she 
saw the Gold Diggers film, her eyes danced with joy!  As a child, I loved 
watching BB films for the costumes, set design, and choreography's illusion.  
He was a master at his craft!

This same student is also writing a paper about the Castles, a popular dancing 
couple from the 1910s.  I have several Ladies' Home Journal magazines from the 
time period, that show the Castles demonstrating the latest dance craze.  The 
illustrations are in color and show step-by-step how to do the dances.   I have 
planned for years to animate these illustrations and put them online.  So this 
gives me that extra push to put them online.  The Castles' costumes are 
beautiful and Irene's dresses flow so gracefully.

Penny Ladnier, Owner, The Costume Gallery Websites
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