I assume when it says they do not let their faces be seen, we're assuming masked from the sides rather than covered completely? Or is there any evidence for veils over the face?

Fascinatingly similar to recent discussions (in the UK) about Muslim "veils" - headscarf or face-veil?


WickedFrau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
Sorry if this is a repost, I don’t see it showing up on the list.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Katherine Barich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Here's the quote from page 82 (note the one t)

"Atifet - Cette coiffure sévère, portée par la veuve de Henri II et les
dames nobles de Paris jusqu'a la fin du XVIe siècle, rehaussait par deux
petites arcades les cotés du front et couvrait la chevelure d'un voile
retombant sur les épaules.

1590 - Le nobili matrone di Parigi non si lasciano veder il viso ... la lor
acconciatura di testa e chiamata l'atifetto, il quale fa due archi dall
parte de fronte, coperto di un veletto attaccato con una punta sopra i
capelli del fronte, e poi cade sopra le spalle, e sotto di esso veletto si
vedon i capelli ricci ben accommodati (Vecellio, t. II, p 238, edit. Didot.)

[Atifet - This severe coiffure, worn by the widow of Henri II and the noble
ladies of Paris around the end of the 16th century, elevated by two small
arcs on either sids of the front and covering the hair with a veil falling
to the shoulders.]

[The noble matrons of Paris do not let their faces be seen...they arrange a
style on the head and call it the atifetto, which has two archs on either
side of the front, covered with a small veil attached to a point above the
hair in the front, and then falls to above the shoulders, and beneath the
small veil their curly hair is quite accommodated.]


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