> If this doesn't take you there go to
> http://www.bl.uk/ and search for "holy family at work"
> I'm sure there is more symbolism in that painting than you could shake a
> stick at ... and I'd be interested in the whole story (off list) but if I
> could only have one explanation, I'd like to know about that little vase
> inside the cupboard doors of that little stool. The one with the bird
> perched on it.
> I was wondering about the ants!

I don't think the ants are symbolic, or the big red bug in the corner. I
think they were just for fun. Many manuscript embellishments, even in major
illuminations, were simply for the amusement of the owner. Remember, most
people didn't have many books or pictures (if any). I own a facsimile of the
Hours of Mary of Burgundy that has a hunt scene in the margins of many pages
and some silly drawings.

But the vase is probably a symbol of Mary's purity: her being a precious
vessel preserved from use. I'm sure Robin can tell us more...

Gail Finke

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