On May 27, 2007, at 4:13 PM, Sharon Collier wrote:

I want to make an Elizabethan ruff. I have some fine linen, but the selvedge
is funky. Should I double the fabric, having a fold  at the outside
edge of the ruff or should I just hem the outside edge with a narrow hem?

It depends on whether you want to starch and set it to get the shape or do a theatrical style that's wash-and-wear. If you mean to starch it every time you wash it, I'd suggest a tiny rolled hem at the edge and only one layer of fabric. For that style, you'll need to gather the entire length of the ruffle into the top of the neckband, so the less bulk the better. If you mean to put horsehair braid or some other modern cheat in so you won't have to starch it, and you intend to cartridge pleat it onto the side of the neckband, it's fine to fold it double.

Instructions on starching ruffs can be found on my site at

Melanie Schuessler

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