I am working on my first attempts at civil war era and at corsetry. I am using a pattern from one of the big 4 with some of my own engineering. I mean bones and a busk and layers geesh.. but it is coming together. Then I realized I can't finish it until I have a chemise to wear under it. But I am starting to see the semblance of a garment so there is hope. I have some blue and green plaid silk kind of a taffeta but not very stiff that I was going to use for the gown. That should be ok for a civil war I think. I don't really know too much about that era but I an going to costume college in August and wanted something in the theme. I was amazed at how many patterns there are out there for that era at Joanne's I made a killing at their $1./pattern sale I think it was for simplicity. I hope I finish on time!

Beverly Azizi

PS thank you for all the responses for my request for archives.

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