5. Do not remove dead stalks until spring time. The stalks feed the tubers through the winter. I just cover mine with leaves to winter. Do not walk on the bed in the snow. Someone killed some of mine this way. My cannas come up in early May and bloom until the first killing frost around Oct. 15. They bloom all summer.

Depends on where you live!! Check your garden zone as Cannas tubers will not survive the winter here (Iowa, border between zone 4 and 5) and in the spring you will just have mush. It's the main reason we don't plant cannas or dahlias; stuff just doesn't winter over well in our basement.

OCC: local Walmart stores seems to be in a run of new $1.00 yard fabrics! I was trying really hard to use only stash on recent projects, but the siren call of cool stuff is too much for me. I found a *lovely* bolt of something (synthetic, I'm sure) that looks like navy blue nondescript whatever on the backside (the side showing in the stack) but when I folded it back to the right side -- OMG -- it looked exactly like hammered copper only not *quite* copper colored and not *quite* the color of gold. My daughter is only in 8th grade but she immediately said "Prom Dress, Mom!" so naturally I bought all 6 yards. For a dollar a yard, what the heck! In two trips to two different stores I bought about 20 yards of fabric.

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