At 18:45 21/08/2007, you wrote:
Funny enough I just got an email from Cooks Illustrated about their tea
tasting  -- here's the link if you would like to read it.


They are the people that have a TV show on PBS and a cooking magazine
without advertisements.

Now- back to topic.

the best tea dying I have found is from Nambarrie's Tea from Belfast - it
dyes cups, teeth and fabrics.

Well, now speaking as one who comes from a tea drinking country, I get my tea from France!! Lipton's make a Tchae which I cannot buy in the U.K. or the U.S., so every so often we make an excursion across to France, and buy up the whole box/shelf. However, recently I have found a green tea from China that I can buy in quantity too. But tea with milk - yeuck!

I like iced tea too, but in Washington I had one and realised it should have been sweetened. And would you believe the iced tea I can buy in bottles in the supermarket is not the same as Anne was getting me, same name, same label, in Virginia. Pfffft!!


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