Close, but not quite.

That's why I said, "simplified explanation". I didn't think anyone who didn't already know would care about a lengthy explanation of worsted vs. woolen.

as for this: >>A worsted preparation technique
involves carding and combing the fibers enough to remove the natural
kink in the wool before spinning. A worsted spinning technique involves
spinning the yarns very tightly to avoid any air spaces<<<

Close, but not quite. Worsted prep doesn't involving "remove the natural kink in the wool", it simply aligns the fibers in a completely parallel arrangement. Worsted yarn from a highly crimped wool like Merino will look and feel differently than worsted yarn made from a low-crimp wool like Lincoln.

Also, it is certainly possible to spin a worsted yarn loosely. Worsted doesn't by definition *always* mean "tightly spun". As a rule, it tends to be (or look) more tightly spun when all other factors are equal, but it doesn't have to be if the application doesn't call for it.

Denise B
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