I’m gathering information for the planning stages of a new project, and I’d 
love to get input from the people on this list.

If you could consult a reference book that was an encyclopedia of clothing and 
textiles in the British Isles (including Ireland) in the Middle Ages (defined 
as Anglo-Saxon period through 1450), what entries would you expect to find in 

This might include anything from large overviews ("headwear") to articles on 
specific terms or garments ("wimple," "hood"); social and economic issues 
("sumptuary law," "guilds"); techniques ("gore," "couching"); important sources 
and artifacts ("Bayeux tapestry," "Black Prince’s surcote"), or anything else 
related to dress and textiles or the study thereof.

What would you look up? Go wild. Free-associate. Brainstorm. There's nothing 
too big or too small for this question. Just keep it to concepts relevant to 
the British Isles, 400-1450.

And as long as we’re making a wish list, if there’s a particular living scholar 
you wish would be the author of an article -- the person you’d consider the 
world's expert on that topic –- tell me that too. For example:

Wool trade - John Munro
Ermine – Elspeth Veale

List as many as you like. Ultimately I will be compiling a list of many 
hundreds of items.

Thank you all, again, for being my focus group!

-- Robin

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