On Friday 14 December 2007, Brangwyne wrote:
> Hmmmm....there's an idea....now if I just had a color printer with INK.
> *sigh*
> Starr
> How about making your own callender, using some of the gorgeous fashion
> prints from the database i posted here.
> I actually have desided i want some of my favourite ones in a callendar,
> and my photo shop makes the callenders in a lot of varieated versions, and
> prices.

Bjarne, that's a great idea!  And in fact I know of a site that lets people do 
just that:


I just did a calendar for myself using photos of Viking clothing I've made.  
(They also let you design your own t-shirts and mugs, among other things.)

Cathy Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool
than to open it and remove all doubt."-- Mark Twain
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