On Dec 26, 2007, at 2:30 PM, Althea Turner wrote:

Hello Ruth,
Would this not fall under "fair use?" I would like a copy of a particular page for academic reasons. I'm not asking for the whole book and I don't intend to post the page on the web. It's seems counter-productive to not
allow academic use of published materials, especially in light of the
extremely high price of the book.


On Wed, 26 Dec 2007 17:13:30 -0000, Ruth Bean wrote
Unless Wicked Frau has access to one of the very rare original
copies of Alcega, surely there's a copyright issue involved here.
Certainly in most of Europe, and I assume in the USA too, there is
no right to offer and distribute copyright material freely to others
without permission, even if supplied without charge. We have not
authorised any display of Alcega patterns on line either.

Please, can we not get into THAT discussion again here?

I am not the list moderator, but...... About every three to six months on this list, someone asks about sharing copies of something, and it leads into an extended exchange of conflicting, passionate posts about what exactly the copyright laws DO say, what they SHOULD say, what's right, what's wrong, what's fair and unfair, legal and illegal..... and it can go on for weeks.

Of course we are always getting new people on the list (welcome, new people!) who haven't been through one of these yet, so it's quite understandable that the topic will be brought up from time to time. But I hope that before discussing this yet again, people will first re-read the previous discussions in the archives. The most recent one was in October 2007, I think.

You can search this list's archives at:
The only drawback to this search site is that it only searches message headers, not text, and threads about copyright often don't have that in the subject header. I *think* most of the October discussion was in a thread called "costume photos".

Or go directly to the October archive here and search on "copyright":

I, personally, would make a mild suggestion that anyone who wants to correspond about sharing or copying information would do well to send their e-mails on the subject directly to other list members, rather than to the list as a whole. In most e-mail programs it's fairly easy to control what address appears in the "To:" line.


O    Chris Laning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Davis, California
+     http://paternoster-row.org - http://paternosters.blogspot.com

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