I am only 5' 4" tall and I can usually lop off 5-6 inches of length from the skirt panels on these patterns (and save on the overall yardage, hooray!). So, for me, they run long. ;-) OTOH, I found that one of the back-closing bodices ran large while a front-closing one was decidedly tight -- which makes no sense at all! But I'm also flat-chested so that may skew the fit.

These patterns are a pain to work with but the results are usually good. I always get compliments, even on the gown that's too big in the bust. (Thank goodness for voluminous Italian chemises!) I spend more time *preparing* to cut with these patterns... my solution for the confusing layout of the multi-size pieces is to carefully go over the lines of the one I want with an ultra-fine point Sharpie in a particular color, then trace those colored lines onto whatever tracing paper I have at hand (I prefer "Swedish tracing paper" but haven't seen it for sale recently, so have been using cheap interfacing) to make a permanent pattern of whichever view I want in whichever size I want. That way I always have the originals for comparison; by using different colors of markers on the originals I don't get confused over which pieces I've used before (or not). I also use the colored marker to label each traced piece as it's created. This is just for the bodice and sleeves -- sInce the skirt panels are fairly simple, I just fold those to fit and draw around them on the fabric with tailor's chalk; I don't bother making new skirt pieces each time.

Did I mention that I'm an extremely visual learner?
LOL, Suzanne

Date: January 6, 2008 3:00:38 PM CST

For those of you who have used this pattern, how does the sizing run?(Large, small?) And for that matter, how do you figure out what size you are? I'm not seeing it in the instructions. I hesitate to assume what they say is a 10 will fit me.


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