At 10:55 AM 2/17/2008, you wrote:
Hi all,

Quick question but I am not understanding something
from the 16th century that I think is an abbreviation
or something similar.


Here are two sentences that use it.

"the foreparte of the George of Dyamountes the Mayle
of the curates and Rivet of the same of Siluer half
gilte with a sworde in his hand of gold a lozenged
Dyamounte like a sheelde and a Dragon of gold weying
together iij oz di di quarter"

"a little George of gold to hang at a Collar of
garters weying one ounce quarter di"

Thanks for any help with this.


It's an abbreviation for "dimidio", or half. In this case , "di di quarter" is 5/8 ounce (one half ounce plus one half of one half ounce). The quarter di" is 3/8 ounce (one quarter ounce plus one half of one quarter ounce). There is a table of measures in QEWU on page 242 that gives the meanings of all these abbreviations.

Joan Jurancich
h-costume mailing list

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