>From www.bayrose.org/Poppy_Run/horse_barding_web.pdf 

Horse Barding is a very broad term. It is variously
defined as a piece of armor used to protect or
armor a horse1, an ornamental caparison for a
horse2, horse trappings3, and "sometimes referring
to the armour or the cloth decoration that served
to identify the owner"4. It derives from the Middle
English and Old French Barde and from the
Arabic Barda, which is a padded saddle or saddle
cloth.5 It was not unusual during a tournament or
when engaged in warfare for horse armor to be
used in addition to the cloth decoration.

1 Dictionary.com - The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 
Edition, Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
2 http://www.onelook.com/?loc=lemma3&w=bard
3 Websters online - 1828 dictionary
4 http://www.onelook.com/?loc=lemma3&w=bard
5 Dictionary.com, Encarta.msn.com/dictionary

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Melody Watts
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2008 12:32 AM
To: Historical Costume
Subject: RE: [h-cost] Cape May/Morris Co ........... Barding or 
heraldricitems..., spelling is the key

The spelling may be throwing people off. According to Mirriam  Websters its; 
  no "M" .
Main Entry: 1ca·par·i·son   
Pronunciation: \kə-ˈper-ə-sən, -ˈpa-rə-\   
Function: noun   
Etymology: Middle French caparaçon, from Old Spanish caparazón   
Date: 1579   1 a: an ornamental covering for a horse b: decorative trappings 
and harness
  2: rich clothing : adornment
otsisto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Though I have heard it refered to as barding, I have been informed by many a 
horse person that it is comparisons. Supposedly, barding is in reference to 
horse armour and camparison is the fabric heraldic garments. But online I find 
horse people calling it barding.

-----Original Message-----

On Saturday 16 February 2008, Rickard, Patty wrote:
> Do they
> make costumes for horses?
> Medieval reeenactors make costumes for horses - it gets called barding (if
> it isn't armour).

Some vendors who market to medieval reenactors make them too. Consider this 
item from Historic Enterprises:


Cathy Raymond 

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