Janet Arnold has some excellent examples of this in her book "A Handbook of 
Costume". One really good example is on pages 22-23 where she compares 4 
different portraits of Jane Seymour where, although all clearly intended to be 
the same outfit, there are significant differences in the details. 

-- "Pixel, Goddess and Queen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


My consort and I are preparing a class about visual sources and why they 
should not be taken as 100% gospel when doing costuming research, and as 
usual once I get past about 1300 I hit a snag. :-) If you want to 
discourse on the changes in sleeve geometry from 1200 to 1300 in England 
and France, I'm your girl. Anything after that, though, and I am at a 
total loss. Our stated time frame is up to 1600, and we have sources up 
to and including 1300. However, we would also like to use examples from 
post 1300 as well, and that's where I come to all you later-period 

I have been told that there are several portraits out there, by the same 
artist, of different sitters, but using the same or almost the same dress. 
Is this in fact the case, and if so, where can I find images of these 

My consort tells me that there are also portraits of various male members 
of a family all portrayed in the same suit of armor--again, if anyone has 
any references I can chase down that would be incredibly helpful.

And yes, I plan on using the portrait of Elizabeth in the eyes-and-ears 
gown as an example of symbolism.

Many many many thanks,

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