Lizapalooza! A weekend with Drea Leed

   We are pleased to welcome Drea Leed, independent scholar and owner of the 
most extensive Elizabethan and Tudor costuming reference on the Web, The 
Elizabethan Costume    Page, as our speaker April 12-13, 2008.

Ms. Leed has studied Renaissance clothing and textiles for over ten years. 
She’s presented papers at the International Congress of Medieval Studies at 
Kalamazoo and the Medieval Congress at Leeds, England. Ms. Leed has given 
several talks and seminars on the topic of Renaissance and Elizabethan dress 
for various groups, and taught a six-week class on Elizabethan Dress at the
   Among Ms. Leed’s published works is "The Well-Dress'd    Peasant: 16th 
Century Workingwoman's Dress.” She has recently published an    article, 
"Textile Cleaning Techniques in Renaissance Europe,” in    Medieval Clothing & 
Textiles II.
   Ms. Leed is currently working on a complete transcription of Queen 
Elizabeth's wardrobe accounts and an analysis of sixteenth century tailoring as 
discovered through original documents.
   She lives in Springfield, Ohio with her husband and cat, where she works as 
a software engineer to support her research and costume book-collecting habits.
Saturday, April    12:
Introduction and General Survey of Tudor and    Elizabethan  Dress  
   Discussion of available sources/books 
   General Q&A on Tudor and Elizabethan clothing     
   Lunch (1 hour break, lunch    provided)
Overview of Elizabethan Underpinnings- corset,    bumroll and farthingale
   Demonstration: how to make a corset 
   End of Regular Session 

Saturday Workshop:    Making a Custom Corset Pattern  (1 hour)  
This hands-on    workshop is limited to 20 students (THREE SPACES LEFT!). All 
materials are    included in the registration. 
Students will learn the basics of measuring and drafting corset pattern, taking 
home a paper pattern suitable for constructing their own corset. After drafting 
is complete, Dress up! Any attendees who wish to can try on a variety of 
Evening    Social with  Drea Leed
Information TBA at    lecture
Sunday, April  13:
   The Perfect Gown: Making an outfit that's right for you: Choosing patterns, 
fabrics, colors, decoration and detailing, general construction tips, good 
sources, accessories 

Lunch (1 hour break,    lunch provided)
   Tudor and Elizabethan Headwear and Hairstyles
   Demo: Making a French Hood & Elizabethan    Coif 
   End of Regular Session 
   Sunday Workshop: Make an Elizabethan coif (2    hours)
This hands-on workshop is limited to 20 students. (FIVE SPACES LEFT!)    All 
materials are included in the registration.
Students will draft, cut    and construct a linen Elizabethan Coif.

The site for this lecture    will be The Center for  Meeting and    Learning in 
Eugene, Oregon. We'll be in the Auditorium    room, with comfy seating, great 
views, and complete plug in availability for    your laptops!  Please also note 
that lunch for both days is    provided with your registration.

    Registration information can be found at!

   Please join us for what promises to be a great weekend!

   Dame Fearga Kavanagh & Dame Karis Jessica Percy
(mka) Jonna Hayden & Jamie Parker

   Please note--this is not an    SCA event, and is not sponsored by any branch.

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