I need some help (or you can translate this to "I'm feeling too lazy  
to do the research myself right now").

I'm looking for two things:
        • Fonts: anybody know any good renaissance-y fonts? I'm looking for  
something that is both relatively period-accurate for Tudor and  
Elizabethan printed books, broadsheets and handbills, and something  
that the less-than-educated viewer will think "Oooh, old!" when they  
see it. Free preferred, but feel free to recommend commercial fonts.  
OpenType preferred, but feel free to recommend TrueType or PostScript.
        • Tudor & Elizabethan printed things: Books, broadsheets, handbills  
and signs. Yes, of course, facsimiles preferred, and online sources  
preferred. At work I've got access to a number of academic online  
collections, so feel free to recommend restricted services; I might be  
able to get to them.

Andy Trembley
h-costume mailing list

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