
I'm sorry if this has been discussed before - I've glanced through the archives 
and didn't find much - please point me to an earlier discussion if so. 

But my question is, is there any evidence and info on how did the medieval 
women deal with menstruation? Did they use special clothes (could they use 
something like pants???)? 

I've also heard that menstruation in the earlier times was much different from 
today and the menstruation could not have been such a big deal after all (not 
to talk about the fact that women were very often pregnant)

I'm also interested in later periods - up to the 18th century - I think the way 
of dealing with it would have been similar to how it was done in the middle 
ages...but I really don't know much about this topic, that's why I rather post 
here and ask:-)


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