> I usually just lurk on this list and occasionally ask questions or respond.  
> My question is when making a dress like this one with a close front bodice, 
> where do you put the lacing?  I've read if it's english that it goes in the 
> back, but haven't been able to confirm or deny this.  Also, if you were doing 
> a spanish one, where would the lacing go?  Did they always use lacing in this 
> period or did they also use hookand eye, and if so where did they use 
> it.Lllynn

Side or side back would be my bet. You see either in Italian and
Flemish art of a time just before and after and much later in the
16thC Alcega has a pattern for a kirtle with bodice that has the
closure side back (the front and back bodice pieces are on the fold,
same with front and back of the skirt).

This is the image I mentioned earlier that shows hoops worn by real
people but that has the open gown.
What is interesting about this image is that it shows a high waist.
There is a legend that the hoops came about to hide a pregnancy.
Doesn't this high waist with hoops support this idea rather more than
a regular waisted garment? No idea if it is true or not but I could
believe the rumour started after seeing this particular style!

Michaela de Bruce
h-costume mailing list

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