Joan Mielke Yost wrote:
The SCA Board of Directors has requested that any questions/inquiries/requests from orregarding 'Wife Swap' be forwarded to Corporate, as the names 'SCA' and'Society for Creative Anachronism', and the arms, belong to the Corporation.

In case it wasn't clear, this particular request is not for SCA members or re-enactors. Their angle this time is that they are looking for a family that's into historic costume (presumably any period or multiple periods).

I got a copy of the request too. It made my skin crawl -- I saw that episode with the SCA family, and it's pretty obvious it was a hatchet job. I can only imagine how this show would portray a family that enjoyed costuming ... as some sort of crazy cultists, no doubt.

People in historic costume groups outside the SCA, though, might think this request is legitimate. If anyone is on discussion lists for ICG or similar interest groups, if the subject comes up, I would strongly urge pointing interested parties to the experience of the medieval re-enactors.


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