Driven all the independent fabric stores out of business within a fair sized
radius by low-balling them and now THEY go out of the Fabric business?
Seems typical.  Drive all other possible competition out and leave room only
for the cheap, Chinese stuff, made by people earning cents an hour with few
safety features, less health regulations, and outlawed unions.  This tends
to make the $1.00 a yard stuff too expensive.  Particularly if you are an
unemployed fabric maker in the Carolinas.  Might as well send .50 to China
and .50 to the Walton family.

I think I'll continue to praise the Powers that Be that Wal-Mart hasn't
succeeded in taking over Portland and environs (several towns around are
fighting it tooth and nail because of its eventual "buy from us or die"
strategy.  Pendleton Wool at $4.99 a yard, linen at less than that if you
know what you are looking for and are ready when the sales come up.


> Today I was informed that since things have settled down,
> Wal-Mart feels it
> is safe to go ahead with it's plan to get rid of their fabrics.
> New Stores will not have the fabric dept. Some stores will phase out the
> fabric dept. and a few will have 2 and 3 yard pieces for sale.
> I was told at one store that they will no longer be ordering for the $1.00
> table. They have already stopped ordering replacement of many of their non
> sale fabrics, like satin.
> So if you have a Wal-Mart with a fabric department it will probably go bye
> bye by January 2009.
> De

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