Not necessarily in order of preference:

Chinese emperor
Mongol emperor
Harry Mudd (Star Trek, anyone?)
Lord Yu or one of his court - Stargate SG-1 - one of the Goauld
Amidala's father (Star Wars)
Nicholas Van Rijn  (literary space pirate)

Note - all either Asian-based or at least Nehru jacket based....

Have fun!

At 01:07 PM 9/11/2008, you wrote:
In line with firefly/star trek..etc.


I have been invited to a Halloween party, and I am trying to figure out what
to wear.  I have 10 yards of BRIGHT green/yellow silk brocade with a small
Chinese letter on it, that I have been wanting to use for year, but it is
not period, unless you consisted the 1980's a period.

I love this stuff it flows, and where I am going is going to be very low
light, so the bright will work in my favor.  The other trouble is I am a
tall ex-jock in shape.  Wide shoulders and a waist to match, most of it up

So I don't have any ideas, it does not have to be historical, but I don't
mind if it is.  Help!!!!  My brain hurts from trying to come up
with ideas.


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