Hi Otsisto,
Thank you for the link, I actually found this link a day or two ago, but now I 
have it again, it will remind me to go back to the page.

From: otsisto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Historical Costume <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, 26 October, 2008 7:02:17
Subject: Re: [h-cost] The Slipper and the Rose

This has a few pictures that might help a wee bit.
scroll down

-----Original Message-----
At 14:52 25/10/2008, you wrote:
>So, will I be able to find the actual ctostumes
>from the film with the names you have provided
>me? sarah ________________________________ From:
>Suzi Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:
>Historical Costume <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent:
>Saturday, 25 October, 2008 14:46:05 Subject: Re:
>[h-cost] The Slipper and the Rose At 14:36
>25/10/2008, you wrote: >Thank you, may I ask how
>you found that out? >sarah
>________________________________ From: >Suzi
>Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: >Historical
>Costume <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: >Saturday,
>25 October, 2008 14:20:50 Subject: Re: >[h-cost]
>The Slipper and the Rose At 13:02 >25/10/2008,
>you wrote: >Dear H-Costume, I have >been doing
>research on my >favourite film 'The >Slipper and
>the Rose'.  The >lady who >designed the
>dressses for the ball gown >in 'The >Slipper and
>the Rose' is an award >winning >costume designer
>and I have beenn trying >to >look for her
>work she did for the film >and >finding the
>dressses she designed. I >was >wondering if you
>would have
>more >information >on >this. >Sarah >____________
>___________________ >________________ >h-costume
>list >h-costume@mail.indra.com >http://mail.indra
>.com/m >ailman/listinfo/h-costume A large number
>of the >ladies' costumes were made by
>Jean >Hunnisett  for Julie Head. These
>include those >for Margaret Lockwood, and for
>the Princesses >who turned up to be prospective
>brides. The >costumes for Richard Chamberlain
>were made by >Charles Alty. Suzi
>h- I am very old, and knew Jean Hunnisett and
>Charles Alty. Jean was my Tutor at college, and
>I worked with Charles on a show in London's West
>End. Suzi
>h-costume mailing list h-costume@mail.indra.com


There is no point in looking them up on the
Internet, as there is virtually no information,
and no pictures that I can find of the costumes.
I can't find anything, anyway. Good luck with your search.


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