On Nov 28, 2008, at 6:46 AM, Kate Bunting wrote:

In some sets of instructions for knitting period stockings, you are told to "fold the heel flap in half". I'm a fairly experienced knitter, but I can't make sense of this. Can anyone advise? I assume it means to fold the flap edge-to-edge rather than to double it back on itself.

I actually teach beginning knitters this heel, because not only is it period for before 1600, it's easy to see how it works. Getting a tube of knitting to turn through a right angle is pretty mysterious if you try to imagine how to do it.

If you'd like to see pictures, I have these:

There's also a link on that page to download the pattern I wrote. It's for worsted-weight yarn, so it makes rather a heavy stocking, but I wrote it that way because I wanted beginning stocking knitters to be able to finish something more quickly. If anyone else wants to try the pattern, BTW, I'd welcome "beta testers" and feedback. (So far, the main problem people seem to have is if they need to size it up for stouter legs. I can see I'm going to have to work on that....)


O    Chris Laning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Davis, California
+     http://paternoster-row.org - http://paternosters.blogspot.com

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