Try freezing the sticky stuff with ice cubes. Or take off with something
oily--like salad oil, hit the oil stain with Simple Green and wash. If it's
ultra suede, it should be polyester, right?, and therefore washable, I

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2009 9:26 PM
Subject: [h-cost] tape stickem problem

Anybody have any ideas how to remove duct tape stickum from ultra suede? I
have a beautiful throw, dark blue ultra suede on one side, long pile on the
other. Eldest son used it to cover a Nagahide chair with duct tape repairs.
End result is that body heat melted the tape stickum which is now in spots
on the suede side (thank goodness - imagine if it was stuck to the pile!!!) 

I have tried pulling the residue off with new pieces of tape with no
success. I am hesitant to try Goo Gone or other solvents due to the 100%
poly fiber content. I want to clean it, not melt it. It is too large to put
in the freezer, although now I think about it I could just put it out on the
front porch - it was minus 10 yesterday AM.

Any suggestions gratefully accepted.

Rebecca Burch
Center Valley Farm
Duncan Falls, Ohio, USA

The only twelve steps I'm interested in are the ones between the flat folds
and the brocades.  --Anonymous Costumer--
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