In a message dated 2/1/2009 9:14:22 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

If a  small store does open near you, do your best to  
shop there, and to  educate the owner on your needs. Meanwhile, keep  
hectoring whatever  stores do sell fabric, to keep on selling it, and  
to stock the kind  of fabric you actually want.

Actually, I still have a few small, locally-owned, fabric stores near  me.  I 
do patronize them occasionally; however, they play fast and loose  with 
labeling requirements and such.  Either fabrics aren't properly  labeled at 
all, or 
are re-wound onto other bolts, etc.  And they  overwhelmingly go in for 
polyester.  I really, really, want to know what  I'm getting when I buy.  Flame 
tests aren't foolproof, besides being kind  of a pain in the neck--either one 
to sneak a few threads or buy a small  piece, and some of these stores aren't 
amenable to selling, say, 1/8 yd.  pieces.
Ann Wass  
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