On Monday 02 March 2009 12:53:31 pm Elena House wrote:
> Kimiko got it!  "Tudor Costume and Fashion" by Herbert Norris, p. 430.
>  Google books has a preview copy of it online:
> http://snipurl.com/cy2vn  -or-
> http://books.google.com/books?id=ynMUvGdHZhUC
> Well, they call it a preview, but it seems to be almost the whole
> book; just missing a page or two here and there.  Anyway, page 430 is
> there.

So it is.  And it indeed purports to be "Lady Mary II", "...drawn from a 
three-quarter portrait of the Princess Mary dating about 1551-3."  The 
interesting thing is that, though the interesting coif, high sleeve caps and 
general color scheme are consistent with the image that started this thread, 
it is not *identical*--suggesting that Norris, in turn, redrew a Victorian 
redrawing.  Ugh.

Cathy Raymond <ca...@thyrsus.com>

"If someone offers you a dead dog for lunch, you don't stick around for the 
pudding." --Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw

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