Hi folks, just a reminder for anyone coming to CostumeCon in Baltimore Ma 1-4... if you are planning on entering any of the competitions, you can save yourself time at checkin by doing most of the paperwork ahead of time! You can pre-register for the Historic Masquerade and then all you have to do is sign the photo release when you get in, and choose your pre-judging and tech rehearsal times. You can also pre-reg for the SF/F Masquerade, the Single Pattern Contest, the Future Fashion Show and even the Simplicity Challenge! All the forms can be found at <http://sites.google.com/site/cc27/>

And just for your pre-planning knowledge, the current time schedule for major items are: The Single Pattern Contest is at 8pm on FRIDAY (pre-reg cut-off is I think at 2pm, but if you didn't pre-reg online, and didn't get there before 2pm but you have your costume.. talk to the director, she's very helpful). Green Room probably opens around 6:30 or7pm.

Historic Pre-judging (workmanship) begins at 10:30am on Saturdayin 15min increments.
SF/F tech rehearsals between noon and 4pm on Sat.
Historic tech rehearsals between 4:30-6pm on Sat. in 5 min increments
Green Room for SF/F opens at 6:30 on Sat.
SF/F Masquerade begins at 8:30pm Sat night.

If needed, there will be "overflow" pre-judging slots on Sunday morning with possible extra tech rehearsal Sunday 4:30-6pm, (but I'm really trying hard to avoid that tech slot.)
Future Fashion Show begins at 1pm on Sunday.
Green Room for Historic opens at 6:30 on Sun.
Historic Masquerade begins at 8:30pm Sunday night.

Tours and excursions will be scheduled Thursday and Monday (I know there's one trip planned to the Spy Museum, dunno about others) There will be meetups happening throughout the convention. (I believe there will be an 18th cent meetup, might be a trip to a nearby tea room, not sure).

Programming & dealers room, of course will open around noon or 1pm on Friday (after the ICG meeting Friday morning), there will be some programming on Monday.

Do people still have their "Red H's" from previous conventions???? I hope to see folks there!

        -Judy Mitchell
        CC27 Historical Masquerade Director
h-costume mailing list

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