On Wed, 18 Mar 2009, Joan Mielke wrote:

I am in envy of Sarah/Bess' new veil pins.  My supplier discontinued them in
the US.  Does anyone have a reliable source for brass veil pins--the very
plain, but thin ones, about 2 1/2 inches long?


How thick are they? I have been making my own veil pins from .5mm brass wire from the local hobby store after ones in /Dress Accessories/, just clip to the appropriate length and glue a 4mm bead to one end, sharpen the other. If you know someone who does lampwork perhaps they could put a blob of glass on one end for you which I understand is documentable, if you didn't want to glue a bead. The originals have a collet soldered to the pin and then the pin end is peened over the end of the bead, but I am not up to doing the solder job so it's glue for me. :-)

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