> I guess my husband and I are just stuffy, but we do get tired of people (in
> general, not you specifically) trying to justify all sorts of modern things
> as having period antecedents, so why not use the modern thing.  This
> "Pillbox" terminology thing just pushed all our buttons in that area, I
> guess.

Whatever this head-covering is really called, I think members of this list
found several examples of it and several others that looked similar but
weren't really it.  Head-coverings  of roughly pillbox shape go back at
least to the mid-1860s, and are associated with Garibaldi, the Liberator of
Italy - he wore them, and the so-called Garibaldi blouse, and many women
began wearing versions of them.  And they're very popular at Ren. Faires
where, lacking their proper name, they get called pillboxes.

> So no, (thanks, Kathe) we weren't mad at anybody, just feeling a little
> frustrated and lonely that there seem to be so MANY people who seem to
> casually and unconcernedly confuse "what I want to be "so"" with "what is
> usually accepted by those who may have been studying..." (and we live in an
> area that is absolutely chock-a-block with them, which doesn't have a single
> thing to do with any of you on the list, but does contribute to our "losing
> it" occasionally).

I get that way with the historical ships where I volunteer, and folks who
think anything with three masts must necessarily be a pirate ship.  I write
it off as ignorance, do what I can to correct the problem (I try for tact),
and wait relatively patiently for that one visitor in perhaps 50 who really

> So I'll go away and lurk again, because I can't seem to "talk" tactfully
> enough not to cause upsets, no matter how hard I try.

I feel that way every time I stick my foot in it on this, or any other,
list.  I get over it after a while, and keep on going.

It's always happening, has done forever, it's me and not anyone else.

What I'm saying is it isn't always you, and you certainly don't do it every
time.  It's a people thing.  So go away for a while if you want, just don't
try not to take this unfortunate choice of words as a personal failure.  It
happens.  (Ghod knows it happens to me.)

Carolyn Kayta Barrows
“The future is already here, it is just unevenly distributed.”   -William
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