I hope everyone will remember to come to the Hospitality Suite!I am  hosting
this year, it is a Fairy theme and we will have loads
of fun as  usual.

Please do remember to come up and tell us you are on the H list  okay?


I will be coming to Costume College and teaching a limited class on  
"Evening Wear for your Hair" to get folks ready for the Gala Saturday  night.  
definitely plan to make a stop in the Hospitality Suite - It's  always one of 
the fun places at College (Next to the Marketplace!)
Am hoping to bring a red pen to make a red H on my nametage. Will be so  
happy to meet some H-Costumers face to face!
Donna Scarfe
**************A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 
h-costume mailing list

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