In prepping for another project I was rummaging through the stash and
came across a length of chocolate brown cotton velveteen.  It's a
lovely color, but not one that I would not wear.  Every time I have
put brown on I take one look at myself and change to something else,
so I don't want to make something special and never wear it.  I tried
bleaching it, hoping to take the color down to a rust that I would
wear, but it didn't change.  I've tried over dying with red and gotten
a slight hint of red to the color but not a significant amount.  I've
thought of trying a blue to see if it would go burgundy or such.  Any

Another find is a white silk skirt, one of those thin floating things
that is about to be re-purposed to a veil and partlet.  the silk has
yellowed significantly, and I prefer this yellowing as white against
the face isn't a good thing for me either.  I am concerned that this
coloring may not be permanent.  While I don't anticipate washing the
partlet often considering the metal thread embroidery I'm about to
apply, I'm concerned that the veil will need to be washed because
someone spilled something on it (Don't asked about the gown that beer
was spilt on and a through laundering made the skirt shrink - not the
bodice, just the skirt grrh!) and now the coloring is different
between this set...


So much to do and so little attention span to get it done with…
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